For Adults — Adelaide Speech Pathology Services

For adults

If you are an adult seeking our services then you may have been aware of your reading or language difficulties for your whole life. A change in role at work or the experience of teaching a child to read may have motivated you to seek assistance with improving your reading, writing and oral communication skills.

We are more than able to provide services for adults with learning difficulties and we tailor our approach to each individual. We are also aware that for some people such difficulties are a source of shame and may have resulted in a loss of self-esteem. Our caring and empathic clnicians can help to improve your skills as well as your confidence!

For some people with learning difficulties, assistive technology is the key to making life more manageable. For others it is enlightening to understand the code we use to represent speech sounds in written language, leading to the experience of reading being de-mystified! There are strategies that can be taught to make the learning process easier.

For more information or to make an appointment with one of our spech-language pathologists, please contact our clinic.